Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 13 - White-washing

Yea, I got transferred, so it stinks that me and Thompson didn't stay together, but I like where I am now too. I'm in Harkov, yes the great land of Harkov that is amazing for everything but missionary work, so they say. But I'm in Alekseevka, in maybe the best branch in the mission. We get fed by members 3-4 times a week. I can't even describe to you how amazing that is, that's so not Ukraine. Usually, if you get fed once a week, it means you have a good area. The Branch here is amazing; they'll be great to work with. My companion is Elder Whitehead from St. George. He's cool and we'll have a good transfer together. The sad thing is we have 0 investigators and not really any prospective investigators. I kinda feel like we're white-washing or something. They just didn't have much success last transfer. The last two days while we were contacting I've given out two books to these cool, interested people and they gave me their numbers, so hopefully something comes from that. My comp said those are the first legit books they've given out in over a transfer. Hopefully we’ll get things going here.

So I’m on my 4th transfer, 5th companion, and 4th city because of the emergency transfer and switch and everything in my 2nd transfer here. Life's good though, it was sad to leave Lugansk, but I like where I'm at. We just need to get some investigators and it would be amazing.

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