Monday, September 21, 2009

Sep 21 - Fights in Prieshood Mtg?

It's been a pretty good week. We contacted this lady who came to church, and she's planning on coming every week, which is awesome. Her children are JW's, her husband is Baptist, but she's still searching. She seems great, even though she was a little tipsy when I first talked her because it was her birthday and she just drank a lot, but most people you contact tend to be a little drunk or high.

This girl that we teach English lessons to who's like 26 also came to church, which is really cool, but she still doesn't feel like getting serious with it yet. Our best and most serious investigator, Garuk/Gareek, I don't know how I usually spell it, is still the man. He's excited to come to church but works on his Docha on the weekends, but he'll come every Sunday in the winter time. He just needs to pray and gain a testimony about the book of Mormon, he's just reading it like a history, which isn't bad, but once he gets a testimony, it'll be all downhill from there.

So everything is great. Oh, except I will never bring an investigator to priesthood meeting. Never. So I had heard stories when I was in Gorlovka about XTZ, because my trainer and zone leaders that we had lived right next to had all served there for a long time. Anyways, I heard about how the Branch President and his son-in-law really don't like each other, but they are 2 of our best and most active priesthood holders. So I heard of one time when the son-in-law got up during fast and testimony meeting and bore his testimony about how they have a terrible branch president and he won't give him a temple recommend, even though he's worthy, just because he doesn't like him. The son is really prideful and wants to be branch president, he thinks he would do much better, but the branch president doesn't handle the situation well either. Anyway, the son was teaching priesthood and they took shots at each other until it just exploded. They were just arguing and yelling and acting like immature little children. And they wouldn't stop until one stud member just took President outside. I would have been so, so embarrassed if we had Garuk there. I couldn't help from laughing a little because they were just acting so childish..

Also, this girl called us who we contacted who said she read the whole book of Mormon in 5 days and wants to know more, so if she really did, then that will be amazing. My comp is amazed that we got so much success out of just going contacting one time. Oh, make sure to tell Aunt Kathy thanks for her letter that she put in my last package, it was really cool to hear how all of them were doing, I liked it alot. Thanks for everything, love you and talk to you next week.

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