Monday, April 26, 2010

4-5-10 The ice has melted!

I'm glad you didn't tell me too much about General Conference because we're watching it this weekend. It's a crazy schedule, they are packed one right after another. We have the Priesthood session and Sat morn on Saturday from 4- 8:30. Then the other 3 sessions will back to back on Sunday from 10 to 6. I'm not a huge fan of the schedule, but I'm way excited for it, I've probably never been this excited for it. You definitely appreciate it and look forward to it more and more the longer you're on your mission. This week is going to be crazy, we also have a fireside tonight, Zone conference tomorrow, interviews, apartment checks, and a lot of stuff. It will be awesome though. We had a really good week and have a lot of young investigators, but not many on the other side of the spectrum that are really close to baptism. Alla's daughter, Julia without the J, is doing good but still doesn't feel ready. She has a W of W problem, like everyone else here, because you can tell she feels something during our lessons. We had an Easter fireside thing at the branch last night where we had a small spiritual thought, watched the Lamb of God video, then had some treats. The cool thing was that our Branch had 7 investigators there?! I don't know about you, but in Ukraine, that is a lot. Leelee, our Chinese investigator who is actually progressing and doing really good, brought 2 friends. One from Viet Nam who didn't understand anything, but this other one from some Middle East country who really enjoyed it. We had a great lesson with all 3 of them afterwards and we asked this great member to sit in on us. We gave them all Book of Mormons to read and set up another appointment for tomorrow. We also found a few other people to meet with that could be very promising, the hard part is trying to find time to meet with them this week. As for the Muslim guy, he is very difficult to meet with and pretty flakey, and Tatyana, the English teacher, unfortunately seems to be fading. We are still going to do all we can though. But on Sunday, our Branch President, who is like Superman and is one of the most amazing guys I've met here, got released. And we were worried about who would replace, but this young 26 year old guy, who had been in a different branch where his family lived, and he owns one of the missionaries houses (sorry for the run-on sentence). Whatever, he just moved into our Branch and he is one of the coolest guys I have ever met. I am so excited to work with him, we all are, he is just going to tear this place apart. We going to be getting so many more people at church, we are all so pumped. That's about it for this week. I can't describe the most amazing feeling in the world of walking on dry ground with the sun out, after walking on ice for the past few months. Indescribable I tell you. Oh, Easter is a huge holiday here, but some of the traditions here, are really awkward. It's cool though, all week you walk around and greet people by saying "Christ Resurrected!" And they reply, "Truly Resurrected" Great time to teach lesson about what he did after he was truly resurrected.

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