Monday, February 1, 2010

1-25 - No Global Warming in Ukraine

Global Warming is the biggest bunch of crap. Tell Al Gore to come to Ukraine. It's been so cold. At night it's getting below -30, but it warms up to like like 23 below during the day because we've been getting a lot of Sun (for which we are all so very thankful). But since its cold, no one came to church. We have 15 members, 4 missionaries, and the district president. And half seem to leave after sacrament every week, so we had as many missionaries as members in priesthood. Some in-actives came though, so that was cool. We did reach our goal this week of 20 lessons, which is awesome. It was tough though because I got sick so we had to do a split one day so they could go to our lessons, and then Elder Clarkstone didn't feel that great. But we just kept working and tried to rest if we ever had time, which is pretty much during studies. We're feeling better now though.

I can't believe I'm leaving XTZ, the time has flow buy. I still have these last 2 weeks so we're definitely going to make the most of them. I've gotten so close with all the members here, I wish I could just pass everything I've learned and everything I know about them to the next missionaries. Elder Clarkstone is staying, which is what we wanted, so he'll be able to keep everything going for us. We've found a few new investigators this week, and one is as ready as an investigator can be. It's the Mom of our 2nd counselor in our Branch Presidency. She's already read the Book of Mormon 3 times, and still reads it regularly, and D&C once. Obviously, the lessons go very well, especially because her son is also there as well when we meet with her. We also met with this old investigator, Oleg, who is a really cool young guy with a small family. He is a DJ and he's still really interested, but his wife is very not interested. Hopefully we can work with him and her heart will be softened, and one day teach the whole family. So success is coming, bit by bit, and the work is really picking up. It's amazing to compare this from 6 months ago, there is such a night and day difference. I've never felt so good about the work we're doing, and we're so happy the Elder Clarkstone will be able to stay and keep this going. So as you can tell, life is great. We are going to rest a little bit today to recover from the week and get ready for this next one. Going for 21, and we're going to get it :)

Anyways, there is no snow here. . . just ICE EVERYWHERE. Makes life even that much more fun, and we're loving every day of it. Til next week

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