Monday, February 1, 2010

2-1 - Finishing strong in XTZ

As for the missionary work in XTZ, it's amazing. We have so much stuff going on and we feel like the branch is only going to improve from here. We had 30 members at Church yesterday! The most I've seen since I have been here. And it was the best church service I have ever been to in my 6 months here. It was so great to see all the members and they were actually getting into the lessons and not just sitting there bored and not paying attention. We had such an awesome group of youth there and almost everything was perfect. Third hour was still just our branch president reading a Liahona and talking to himself for an hour. Once we get some solid leadership, this branch will take off. But I love this branch more than anything, I can't imagine caring about a branch more than I do about this one. I want more than anything for them to just be unified and to come to church. But Proletarska has never had so much going on, which is exactly what I wanted it to be like when I left, but now that it finally is getting like that, it makes it way harder to leave.

We have these new, young investigators who could be really promising. This one cool 18-yr old kid, Vova, has a twin brother and a family that all might be interested. And we are still teaching Nadejda, Anatolee's Mom, and all she needs to do is come to church and she'll be ready for baptism. She wants to, but can't right now because of health and weather. We are also teaching this guy who has always come to our English class. The In-actives are coming to church as well, but there are still a few who just aren't showing up still. So we still have a lot to work to do, but Elder Clarkstone will keep it going. We also went to the Russian Ballet at the big theater here in center last week as a district and with our zone leaders. We saw Swan Lake, and surprisingly it was really cool. Not so much the Ballet as the overall experience. We got second row seats for $1.90 each somehow. Long story, but it's not important, it was a really fun night. And we managed to up our record of lessons in a week to 21 this week, so that's cool too. We pretty much know what's going to happen next transfer. I'm going to North Saltovka to be with another young missionary in Elder Clarkstone's group. They have good success there right now but they also have another small branch. It'll be good though because after serving in XTZ, I feel like I know a lot better how to get this branch going and help in-actives. Elder Clarkstone knows this area and we've talked a lot about how to keep it going. He'll be great. I don't know what I would do if the work died again here after working my butt off for so long. I would be distraught. I love XTZ, and I love you guys. It'll be great when you guys can come meet the amazing people here.
-Elder Hyer

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